FDA檢驗進口美國水產品能力遭質疑鑒於美國市面上約85%的有鰭魚、蝦等水產品係為進口,約翰霍普金斯大學彭博公共衛生學院的美好未來研究中心,於本月出刊的「環境科學及技術」中提出一份質疑美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)檢驗進口水產品的安全性或鑑識風險能建築設計力的研究報告。該報告針對全球四大檢驗進口水產品單位的檢驗流程進行分析比較後發現,水產品種類及原產地是檢驗過程中最易出錯的環節;而針對特定進口水產品進行比較發現:美國FDA的污染檢出率僅有2%,歐盟、日本及加拿大卻分別高達50%、18%、15%之多;關鍵字排名FDA檢出13種水產品藥物殘留,而歐洲、日本的檢驗單位卻能分別檢出34、27種。該報告懷疑水產品檢出藥物殘留應是發展中國家的養殖業仍習慣濫用對健康有害的抗生素,導致養殖水產品產生抗藥性菌所致。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2011,1 花蓮民宿November 2011) TESTING OF SEAFOOD IMPORTED INTO THE US IS INADEQUATE, A REPORT SAYS Finfish, shrimp and seafood products are some of the most widely traded foods and about 85% of seafood consumed in the US is imported. A new study by 吳哥窟researchers from the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future at the Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that testing of imported seafood by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is inadequate for confirming its safety or 室內設計identifying risks. The findings, published this month in Environmental Science and Technology, highlight deficiencies in inspection programmes for imported seafood across four of the world’s largest importing bodies and show the 房屋買賣types of fishery products and the countries of origin which most often fail inspection. The study identified a lack of inspection in the US compared to its peers: only 2% of all seafood imported into the US is tested for 澎湖民宿contamination, while the European Union, Japan and Canada inspect as much as 50%, 18% and 15% of certain imported seafood products. The study results showed that the FDA tests for 13 types of drug residues, in contrast to inspection 酒店兼職agencies in Europe and Japan that test for 34 and 27 drugs, respectively. Based on the authors’ findings of drug residues, it can be surmised that veterinary drugs continue to be used in aquaculture from developing countries, which 設計裝潢can lead to adverse health consequences, including the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria on fish farms and their spread in seafood products.

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